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Sir, I have to post my comments here because in their twisted anti-American/Marxist logic, Medium have classed all of my pro-President Trump pushback against his opponents as 'not complying with their rules'.

I agree with your suspicion of people who say they are inclusive (I do believe that a large majority of them are, in fact, liars. Hence the trans-communities who turn on people who have backed LGTBQ people in the past but cannot take having their, very young, children subjected to pornographic dance displays or books in the classroom.

I call out the liars of the BLM movement who have enriched THEMSELVES on the backs of white people and done nothing for the Black communities.

It's interesting to see that you use this Jesus to 'love your enemies'. By enemies I take it you mean Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Leo Terrell, Ben Carson, Justice Thomas, Rev CL Bryant, Alveda King, Herman Cain, Candace Owens, and these Americans: “I’m thrilled to be here in the heart of Georgia to launch our incredible, new nationwide grassroots effort – think of this Blacks for Trump, Black Voices for Trump … Call it whatever you want – we like it,” he said, speaking to about 400 people. Soon, he was engulfed by cheers of “Blacks for Trump”. You're saying that these people are your enemies and that they are "unloveable".

When you write "we often fail". I take it to mean you have failed because there's not much love for patriotic Americans in your piece.

You make some call for unity as Christians and "for the sake of the nation", And yet, you have tied yourself to an administration that has alienated over 50% of the country and only recently aquainted a lightening strike that barely touched his house to the tragedy still unfolding in Hawaii.

Note: Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, Latino Americans, Native Americans and an increasing number of Black American families who have seen their children slaughtered in democrat cities,turned to President Trump in 2020 and those numbers are increasing in 2023/24.

*There are an increasing number of Black American men starting pro-Trump anti-democrat podcast channels to push back against narratives like yours and MSM.

When it comes to your faux condemnation of the attitiudes put forward by David Brooks I suggest that you do, again, Tell Yourself that brothers and sisters for Trump are 'deplorable'. It has been a factor for the seven years of the President's first term of office and the condemnation by Black Americans wedded to the overthrow of the 'American Dream' of Black Americans who have been proud of the country for the last 30+ months.

I have to observe that you, yourself look as if you might be counted amongst the people who have beneffitted from the 'cultural and economic forces' that benefited the anti-Americans (because that is how I see the people who strived so hard to destroy the President's programme from the day he walked down the escaltor...Maxine Waters for instance). As you say, it is the Americans from the hard working class who have had to suffer the consequences of the last two and a half years of democrat bureaucracy and (Obama) regulations...Yes. Obama regulations because they are the people making the decisions that are put in front of Obama's puppet to sign.

Rather than an 'epistemic' world I wish you would have made in more clear that it was, in fact, the useful idiots in education who have the blood of the people on their hands. It is the so-called elite who have defunded the police and neutered the legal system to such an extent that it is lower than that of North Korea because the North Koreans make no bones about having no justice (I call out the RINOs who constantly talk about two-tier justice). The North Koreans openly admit that they persecute opposition whereas the democrats and RINO's hide behind the facade of not noticing.

As with your assumption that you are "on the right side". That you call on your supporters not to ignore us. Not to call us names (especially when the name we go by is Patriotic Americans).

Patriotic Americans who will not have our minds changed by Marxist followers of the Obama doctrine.

We don't seek or accept that we need to be excussed by you or anybody on your side of the divide.

We stand firmly behind the man who stood against Obama's corrupt FBI/DOJ/CIA and IRS. We stand behind the man who forced you democrats to see who you really are...lovers of billlionaires, corporate donors, Marxist mouthpieces and communist economic policy.

We don't care whether you see us as 'human'or not, because we understand that you have lit the fuse of the next civil war.

That is the reason more Americans have switched from the Obama policies to support President Trump. It is the reason that Americans started deserting Obama in 2012 and why even minorities deserted him in 2016. I would venture here that Daryl Davis would have looked at your present leaders and opined that the sides have just switched and all his work was in vain.

So, we don't want your 'love'. As your 'enemy' we prefer to meet you on the battlefied (whether that is on the physical or intellectual arena).

Call us bigots all you want. Call us racists all you want. Your actions have rnedered those words irrelevant since you have called all of the patriotic Black Americans supporting President Trump, 'Uncle Toms': 'The Black face of white supremace': 'Deplorables'; 'uneducated'.

Call us bigots. To have people who voted for Obama's third term through a man who said "If you don';t know whether to vote for me or Trump you ain't Black" calling us names is a badge of American patriotism.

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